segunda-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2013

Pare Gerg Lott - Stop Greg Walls.

Eu acho um absurdo Greg Walls vender as coisas dela. Eu não sei a situação financeira do Greg Walls Mas acho uma pena se desfazer das coisas dela. Se desfazer de toda uma historia Morre uma historia e um legado
Eu sei por pessoas que trabalharam com atriz Farrah Fawcett que ela tinha todas as suas coisas organizadas.Hoje eu acho estranho o que estão fazendo com as coisas dela.

 I think absurd Greg Walls selling her stuff. I do not know the financial situation of Greg Walls But I think it's a shame to dispose her stuff. Discarding a whole story Dies a history and a legacy

I know through workers of Farrah Fawcett ,that she had everything organized. 
 I find it strange this all be happening with her things.

terça-feira, 26 de novembro de 2013

CLOSER revista - CLOSER magazine

Farrah é capa da revista CLOSER (DEZEMBRO,9.2013)
Farrah is on the new cover of CLOSER magazine (12/9/2013) 

Finalmente uma revista fala sobre o romance entre Farrah Fawcett e Greg Lott.
Já estava na hora !

Finally a magazine talks about the romance between Farrah Fawcett and Greg Lott. 
It's about time!

To Greg Wall - Help Farrah Fawcett Legacy

Alguns perteces da atriz Farrah Fawcett estão sendo vendidos aqui.
Some belongings of actress Farrah Fawcett for sale here.

 Isso é um apelo dos fãns para Greg Walls o sobrinho da atriz Farrah Fawcett.
Que esta vendendo todos os pertences da atriz
Peço a todos os fans que são contra esse descaso .Para me ajudar a salvar o legado da atriz Farrah Fawcett

This is a plea in the name of all fans for Greg Walls nephew of actress Farrah Fawcett. That is selling all the belongings of the actress
I ask all fans who are against this disregard to help me save the legacy of  Farrah Fawcett

Nós achamos que isso é um descaso grande vender os pertences da atriz Farrah Fawcett Machuca os fãns machuca tambem aos fãns saber que as pinturas não estão juntas no museu como era o desejo dela

 We think this is a great neglect sell the belongings of actress Farrah Fawcett Hurts the fans also hurts the fans know that the paintings are not together at the museum as was her wish

Pertences da atriz Farrah Fawcett

terça-feira, 12 de novembro de 2013

The girl from Texas by Kiko Chehin

The true fans knows very well that Texas was important for Farrah Fawcett .
Every time she was in Texas,she felt at home.Be close to her parents was what she wanted most. She really wanted to take her son to be raised with family values in Texas.
She wanted very much to return to Texas in some way .

Farrah and Redmond

She had already lost her sister who fought hard against cancer and her parents were aging That would make her very divided because she had a life in Hollywood. But the circumstances were other.Unfortunately she never realized this dream. She felt free of paparazzi and lived a normal life without NEWS dramas of the media

Andy Warhol portrait of Farrah Fawcett in Austin - Texas

It is just typical Farrah Fawcett , to do what she did....Leave everything to the University of Texas.She wanted to concentrate her things in a place she liked.She would call ´´HOME``

Andy Warhol made two portrait of Farrah  Fawcett. One of them can be found at the University of Texas.The other painting above the bed of the ex-boyfriend of actress Farrah Fawcett.

She would have made it very clear in her Trust if she wanted Ryan to have a Warhol.

Only people who did not follow the life of actress Farrah Fawcett i´ll believe that Farrah gave the painting as a gift for a person she never married.... And never wanted to marry  

Super fan Kiko Chehin

As an old fan, I have been studying her life 
Magazines and videos make it clear that her relationship with Ryan O'Neal was done

Sweet autographs to me

Farrah Fawcett Collection ( Limited Edition)

Farrah Fawcett in Texas ,60´s

Another thing she really wanted was to put her ashes in Texas near her family and her origins
Farrah was a very sweet woman.But she had something typical Texan,she would not take any crap from nobody

Greg Lott and Farrah Fawcett

But every time she traveled to Texas she was again that girl from Texas
In the 90s she start dating her old boyfriend,Greg Lott .Again she felt at home .But the romance was never released to the public. They were togther for 11 years.They were enjoying life together. Not in secret ...,but private!
Farrah wanted to avoid once again media, scandals and more drama
The fact that she left money to her boyfriend in her will Proof that she liked him very much

Farrah with friends

Another thing that Farrah did in Texas, was reconnect with friends every time she was in Texas.

Here is the girl from Texas that I know !
The rest of it is cheap media Hollywood,full of fantasy and lies.
Or materials paid ,to fool suckers!

segunda-feira, 11 de novembro de 2013

Lista de Natal - Christmas list

Nessa altura os cartões já estão prontinho na gráfica!
O mês de dezembro chegando e o nosso blog já esta entrando em clima de festa!
Eu espero que seu nome esteja na minha lista de Natal!Pois essa edição de cartão de final de ano será  limitada

At this time the cards are already at the printer! The month of december coming up and our blog is already getting into the party mood! 
I hope your name is on my Christmas list! Because the cards this year are limited 

segunda-feira, 16 de setembro de 2013

Em ``Jeannie é um Gênio ´´

Em apenas duas semanas Farrah consegue um contrato, e faz uma ponta em 
Jeannie é um Gênio.